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April-June GDP Service Consumption Strong seen from various data

Updated: Aug 29, 2022

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) announced on the 15th. It has become clear how much domestic consumption and production have grown over the three months from April to June this year, and how much the Japanese economy has grown.

Looking at various data, like credit card usage, it can be seen that consumption of services such as travel and eating out has recovered during this period due to the lifting of priority measures such as epidemic prevention. "GDP as seen in data", this time we will focus on this service consumption.

(c) NHK: 【データでみる】4-6月GDP サービス消費好調も…
(c) NHK: 【データでみる】4-6月GDP サービス消費好調も…

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Original News Source: (c) NHK #akonikk


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