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Don Quijote hits record high profit for 12 consecutive years

Updated: Aug 29, 2022

Pan Pacific International Holdings (PPIH), which operates the discount store Don Quijote, posted consolidated sales for the fiscal year ending June 2022 of 1,831.2 billion yen, up 7.2% year on year, and operating income of 9.2%. of ¥88.6 billion, recording increases in sales and profits for the 33rd consecutive term. Net income increased by 15.2% to 61.9 billion yen, marking a record high for the 12th consecutive term.

Sales in the mainstay discount business rose 12.2% to 1,327.4 billion yen, and operating income rose 30.7% to 72.2 billion yen, with sales growth centered on daily sundries. General merchandise stores such as Uny posted sales of 429.5 billion yen, down 4.5%, and operating income of 14.5 billion yen, down 12.2%. Donki made up for the drop in general supermarkets. In February 2009, the private brand (PB) “Jonetsu Kakukaku” was completely revamped, and a hit product was born from it. It's a tunerless smart TV.

In one month from the release in December 2009, the first production run of 6,000 units was sold out. By the end of July this year, 15,000 units had been sold.

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Original News Source: Nikkan Gendai Digital


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