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Utsunomiya LRT expected to open in August 2023, 1.5 years delay from start of construction

Updated: Aug 29, 2022

The Haga-Utsunomiya LRT, also known as the Light Line, is expected to open in August 2023. The original schedule was to open in March 2022, so it will be delayed by 1 year and 5 months.

The reason for the delay in opening was construction delays at the "Notakaya-cho Intersection" on the east side of the Kinugawa River. This was due to the reduction of the scope of traffic regulations to minimise traffic congestion, difficulty in procuring large construction equipment, and a shortage of workers. Construction at the Notakaya-cho intersection is expected to be completed in March 2023, and other construction is scheduled to be completed within FY2022.

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Original News Source: (c) Traffic News #akonikk


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